Mental Health First Aid Certification




Online | Duration: 2.5 | Work on All major devices and browsers | Access: Lifetime

Qualification To Achieve: Mental Health First Aid Certification | Exam: Yes

Mental health first aid is one of the fastest growing and most necessary fields of today. With mental health becoming a serious and widespread problem, it is necessary that there are people prepared to lend a helping hand and offer immediate help to those suffering.

In the past, the stigma related to mental health has often prevented this kind of help from reaching the people affected. Although plenty of emphasis is placed on physical health and traditional first aid, this is not always the case when it comes to mental health and mental health first aid.

In this course, you have the chance to become well-versed in the different types of mental illnesses and how to both support and guide the people who have them. However, people trained in mental health first aid are not meant to replace mental health professionals. Instead, they are meant to be the initial support offered to people struggling with their mental health. This could include emergency situations, people in crisis or people dealing with a sudden worsening of their condition.