Drug and Alcohol Addiction Awareness Certification




Online | Duration: 15 | Work on All major devices and browsers | Access: Lifetime

Qualification To Achieve: | Exam: Yes

Drug and alcohol addiction has grown ever more prevalent in modern society. There are varying levels of this often misunderstood disorder, and the ability to recognise each of them has become increasingly important, especially in the workplace.

Employees with substance abuse disorders have a tendency to be less productive and produce a lower quality of work. Identifying these individuals and getting them the help that they need is vital in maintaining a healthy work environment.

Through familiarising yourself and other staff with the warning signs, you can learn to quickly detect when an individual may be developing an issue. However, just being aware of the problem is often not enough, so it is also necessary to learn about the treatment options available and how different options are more applicable to different issues.

This enlightening 10 module course will guide your team members through everything they need to know, in order to tackle this complex issue.

Here is a taste of what your staff members can expect to cover:

There are a range of benefits of successfully completing this course. These benefits include: